Airfield Construction / Closures

Taxiway Alpha construction will continue through the summer months.  Selland Construction will switch from Phase 7A & 7B to 7C later than anticipated.  On Thursday, June 22nd,  Taxiway A5 will reopen.  Taxiway Alpha will be closed between what was Taxiway A4 and Taxiway F.  This phase is expected to be completed by July 7th.

The attached sketches indicate what work is included and the operational impacts for Phase 7C and Phase 8.  Please review carefully and remember to check NOTAMs for closure information as well.  Typically, NOTAMS associated with runway and taxiway closures are issued no sooner than 7 days prior to the closure date. As a reminder, new Taxiways to/from the GA Apron will be commissioned upon the completion of Phases 7A & 7B. These are Taxiway G2 & Taxiway G3, followed by the opening of Taxiway G1 upon the completion of Phase 7C. Airport diagrams and charts may not immediately show the updated taxiway layout.

Phase 7C (June 22 – July 6)

Closed:  Taxiway A4 & Taxiway A between Taxiway A4 & Taxiway F

Work performed during this phase will be in the infield between closed Taxiway A4 and the closed crosswind runway. It will include milling and removal of existing pavement (A4 & closed crosswind runway), construction of the new Taxiway G1, construction of a portion of the new Taxiway A3, and portions of Taxiway A.

The only access to the GA Apron and Cargo Ramp will be from west on Taxiway A (new alignment) and utilizing the new Taxiways G2 or G3.  A temporary taxiway centerline will be installed on the GA Apron, just N of the old Taxiway A.

Due to the Taxiway A closure, aircraft arriving on Runway 12 that need to go to the Terminal Apron, GA Apron or Cargo Ramp will have to turn around and back-taxi down the runway to Taxiway A5 or exit the runway at Taxiway A1, A2, or A3 to Taxiway A and re-enter Runway 30 to back-taxi to Taxiway A5. This applies to Runway 30 departures, just in reverse.

Phase 7C (July 7-July 10)

Closed: Taxiway A4

Due to the Festival of Flight and the expected increase in operations, a section of Phase 7C will be opened early to limit the overall impact.

Taxiway A will be reopened full-length so that aircraft do not need to back-taxi on the runway due to construction closures. Access to the GA Apron and Cargo Ramp will be from west on Taxiway A (new alignment), utilizing the new Taxiways G2/G3 or from the east on Taxiway A.  A temporary taxiway centerline will be installed on the GA Apron, just N of the old Taxiway A.

Phase 8 (July 11 – August 20)

Closed: Taxiway A2, Taxiway A3, & Taxiway A4 

Work performed during this phase will be in the infield between the closed crosswind runway and Taxiway A1. It will include milling and removal of existing pavement (Taxiways A2 & A3) and construction of portions of new Taxiway A2.

Taxiway A2 and Taxiway A3 will be closed (Taxiway A4 remains closed).  Due to these closures, aircraft arriving on Runway 12 will have to exit at the end of the runway at Taxiway A1.  Aircraft accessing the GA Apron and Cargo Ramp from the west will now be utilizing a portion of the new Taxiway A and Taxiways G1-G3.