GA Terminal EA-FONSI NOTICE Public Release

Interested parties are hereby notified that the Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority (CDRPA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have completed an Environmental Assessment (EA), resulting in the FAA’s Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) decision for the proposed rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the Pangborn Memorial Airport’s General Aviation (GA) Terminal Building. The purpose of the improvements are for the Airport to have a GA Terminal building that meets the needs of existing and future users through a safe, functional, accessible, and energy-efficient facility. The files below contain the Final EA and associated appendices, the FONSI, and the FONSI Notice.

Pangborn GA Terminal FONSI

Pangborn GA Terminal FONSI Notice

Pangborn GA Terminal EA Ch. 1-5_2-19-24_Final_Signed_N0 Appendices

GA Terminal EA Appendices

Appendix A – ALP (abbreviated)

   Appendix B – Agency Correspondence

Appendix C – Cultural Resource Survey

Appendix D – IDP

Appendix E – Section 4(f) Evaluation

Appendix F – Phase 1 ESA

Appendix G – Public Engagement Summary

Appendix H – List of Preparers