Master Plan
Pangborn Memorial Airport (EAT) is an essential facility, vital to our community and important to our regional economy. An Airport Master Plan (Plan) is being prepared to assess and document the facility and service needs of EAT over the next 20 years.
About the Plan
What is an Airport Master Plan?
The Pangborn Airport Master Plan (Plan) serves as a vision for the next 20 years to guide future improvements for Airport facilities and operations. The Plan is reflective of input from the local community while providing for a facility that is:
Safe and efficient, in accordance with design standards.
Economically viable and supported in a financially sustainable manner.
Aligned with broad local, regional, state and national planning goals.
Pangborn Airport’s Master Plan was last updated in 2004, however, changes in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) design standards, airport activity trends, and airport development goals mean that the 2004 Plan no longer reflects stakeholder needs. The FAA recommends that airports update their Plan approximately every ten years to address new regulations and changes in the aviation industry. The Plan is prepared in accordance with FAA guidance, as prescribed by grant assurances and regulatory standards. Conformance with FAA standards enables the Airport to apply for federal and state funding to support the maintenance, expansion, and upgrade of Airport facilities. The FAA funds approximately 90 percent of this Plan cost.
What will the Plan include?
This Plan includes activities conducted by commercial service, general aviation, and military users, in addition to other aviation and non-aeronautical interests located on and off-Airport. It evaluates Airport improvement needs with respect to up-to-date user information, trends, facility conditions, and design standards. The focus of the Plan recommendations are:
User activity levels
Airfield facilities
Airport infrastructure and utilities
Airport land use
Airport property
Key Components
The Master Plan includes the following chapters, used to describe the decisions made by the Airport and other stakeholders during the planning process. Draft chapters will be uploaded to this website following their review by the Airport.
Chapter 1 – Inventory
Chapter 2 – Aviation Demand Forecasts
Chapter 3 – Facility Developments
Chapter 4 – Improvement Alternatives
Chapter 5 – Implementation and Capital Improvement Plan
Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Drawings
Airport Master Plan